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Mobile friendly website deadline looms

Probably now the most important reason why you need a mobile friendly website.

Here’s why – Google: “Starting April 21st, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal”

What does this mean exactly?

Well… it means that if your website, or any website for that matter, is NOT mobile friendly it will almost certainly have a lower search engine rank than a mobile friendly website!

The use of mobile devices to access the internet is growing at a rapid rate (mobile usage now accounts for over 50% of internet use, yes you read that right – over 50%!) and Google know this only too well. And as part of their never ending commitment to improve their search experience for users a non mobile friendly website will drop rankings like a brick in water!

Vale Hollow Farm Responsive Website
Our mobile friendly website for Vale Hollow farm Livery

Not sure if your website is mobile friendly?

Visit this link and Google will spill the beans – just enter your website address. Google’s report will inform why it isn’t mobile friendly and will also help with what you have to do to make it a mobile friendly website.

Sinking website
Don’t let your website sink in to obscurity. call us today 01823 765171

Need some mobile friendly website advice?

If you need any advice on your website regarding the Mobile Friendly Website Google update or you would like to commission a mobile friendly website then get in touch for chat – 01823 765171 or simply use our contact form here

Get clued up!

Further reading on why you need a mobile friendly website here

A good example

A recent mobile friendly website built by us here. Live version here