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New Responsive WordPress Website for Bristol Livery Yard – Vale Hollow Farm Livery

Having previously built the website for Bristol livery yard – Vale Hollow Farm Livery a few years ago, it was time for a redesign to bring it up to date and to give the website a new lease of life. With web design advancing and ever evolving, Vale Hollow Farm’s previous website was in need of a complete redesign. This time the site has been built on a WordPress backend, that will allow Vale Hollow Farm to update and maintain their website where they see fit.

With the redesign and the ever growing influence of mobile, we had to make sure that the new website was usable on all platforms and as such the website has been built to be responsive. The mobile friendly design allows users on all platforms to access the new website quickly and efficiently.

Responsive Website for Bristol Livery yard - Vale Hollow Farm

A new feature on Vale Hollow Farm’s new livery yard website is the live Facebook feed on the home page. Unlike other live Facebook feeds, where just a plugin is used, this one has been fully customised to match the style and design of the website. All of the fonts have been inherited from within the site so the title, ‘The latest from our Facebook’, is the header font used near the bottom of the homepage. The font for Vale Hollow Farm’s name is also used for headers on the facilities pages and the font for the actual Facebook status is the same as the body text used throughout the website.

Another major new feature for the redesign is the facilities pages. Previously the facilities pages were on a single page. Now the facilities have been expanded so that each one has its own page. This allowed us to add more information and keywords for each of the facilities and in turn this improved the SEO for the new website.

Website for Bristol Livery yard - Vale Hollow Farm

The contact page also received an improvement. Previously you could view a map and send a message via the contact form. Whilst we kept these functions, we added the ability to get directions on the page without the need to open up a page for Google maps. The added functionality makes the website easier to use and more friendly for users.

Finally we provided the photography for Vale Hollow Farm’s new livery yard website. We arranged a day with Vale Hollow Farm where we were able to get all the high resolution images that we needed. To see some of our photography for Vale Hollow farm Livery, check out our Flickr account here.

View the new responsive WordPress website for Bristol Livery yard, Vale Hollow Farm, here.